Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dump Find

Well, I'm happy as a clam! DH brought this treasure home from the dump yesterday! The finial is broken off - needs glue but, otherwise, in tip-top shape. It stands 22" high. I'm going to put it in the living room and make a miniature garden in it. The fairies will be delighted!

I did get six of my cuttings potted up - need to do the rest. I think I'll work on some Valentines today - pre-game!


  1. Oh that is gonna be cute! What a great find!

    thanks for participating in my giveaway and leaving those kind comments! Your name is in the hat. Good luck!


  2. That is adorable. I bet it would look so pretty with a deep blue on the roof and accent pieces!

  3. Oh Sue,
    How sweet is that!! I can't wait to see it filled with plants. Thanks for stopping by my blog. (no, the story is not true, unless you live in my mind, lol). Stop by again, and I will surely do the same. Love your little fairy door garden down the page....
    Theresa @ Cottage Violets

  4. What a great find that is so exciting. I love finding things like that. It's so pretty I would of even paid money for it.


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