Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Goodbye March, Hello Rednesday!

Welcome one and all! Can you believe today is April? April showers bring May flowers!
I happen to have a big red umbrella myself. My neighbors must think I'm nutso because on rainy days in the spring and summer they'll find me out in the garden pulling weeds or puttering around - under my bright red brolly!

I don't have any red Easter decorations, but I'll show some vintage Easter images of little ladies dressed in red. I hope you like them!EDIT: I made a dreadful error in this original post by not acknowledging the below card as being from FairyDavis.com. She is a most wonderful and generous person! She has a Paper Goods store and a Fancy Goods store, and everyone should go there and buy her out!


  1. I just love vintage images and the red makes them even better.

  2. great pics..some of them look like the Campbells Kids to me =D

  3. Hi Sue,
    What a lovely surprise I had this morning when I opened my blog and saw that you had left me a note. My goodness we have a lot in common, we both love Red and Yellow and Hubby and I are big Lost fans too. White Christmas is my all time favorite movie I still sing along LOL. I will come by tomorrow for a visit to see your 3 legged teacup. I am adding you to my favorites.
    Enjoy your day,

  4. Lovely...as always.
    I am envious of your big red umbrella!

  5. These are really interesting and different. Love 'em!

  6. I am in hog heaven with all these lovely images. My eyes are the size of Easter eggs, looking at it all! What a lovely blog ye have.

  7. I love these precious little vintage pictures. Thank you for sharing them. laurie

  8. I love all your reds...is this a weekly thing and, if so, where do you link?


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