Thursday, May 28, 2009


My turn to receive a package! This is my order from Made In Pixieland. There is a Home Sweet Home greeting card, which I will put in a frame; an adorable Pixie Tales "book" that has a secret compartment; and the cutest pin, that I promptly put on my little purse. Aren't these the most adorable mushrooms? I love 'em! I also received a surprise candy necklace inside the book, but Pre-Teen promptly scooped it up and ate it!

I LOVE Apricot Jam! Especially on English Muffins. When I lived in Belgium 20+ years ago, I worked over a Patisserie. They had the best Apricot Squares in the world. I miss them . . .


  1. What a fab book and bag! xxxx

  2. I love that secret compartment! What a fun box of goodies to arrive.

  3. I love apricot jam on english muffins as well. Love your table.

  4. Ummm... apricot jam. Now I know what has been missing from my pantry. Love it, rarely buy it!

    That is one stunning table top in your last picture -- wow. Gorgeous! Looks like a metal top on an old kitchen table, right?

    Enjoy your poppies when they bloom. My husband is from Massachusetts; he was a late bloomer, too. Hahaha....


  5. Gracious, you lived among the Flemish and lived to tell the tale! LOL!

    Pretty mushrooms! "There is so 'mushroom' in my heart for toadstools."

  6. I love these mushroom cards, just so fun.


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