Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend Book Sale

So, yesterday, we walk into church and there's a big sign saying Happy Mother's Day. Teen says, "Oh, I didn't know today was Mother's Day". (Ya, right!) . . . "Thanks for getting pregnant!"

Saturday we went to the Library Book Sale in our town. Teen got a few Star Trek books and a couple of old anime videos (vcr). Mister got the J. Vernon McGee Thru The Bible set for $7 (original list price $200). I found a lot of old-time goodies. Here are a few.

Poems by Eliza Cook. No date but most probably 1800's.

Our Village by Miss Mitford, 1870. (Always wanted to read this.)Congress (Yeast Powder) Cook Book, 1894. (Love the red!)
A Calendar of Dinners with 613 Recipes including The Story of Crisco, 1913. Obviously put out by Crisco; I can't wait to read all about it!
These next two aren't old, but they're goodies!
The Smithsonian Gardener's Journal, 1987.
And a trusty Martha Stewart Good Things from Tag Sales & Flea Markets. (I kept flipping this image around, but the 'flippin' thing' won't go straight up, so I finally left it sideways!)


  1. Ooh! Aah!
    You know I love a good book sale..actually, my DH would say I even love a crummy one! lol
    Happy Mother's Day!

  2. What great books. love the Eliza Cook book of Poems.
    Happy reading

  3. What fabulous books! I have Our Village, it is a good read. xxxx

  4. Fantastic book haul!

    Please share the fascinating Crisco story as soon as you finish reading about it, LOL!!! Actually, I guess Crisco is a pretty big deal, otherwise we'd all be eating lard still...

  5. Love the red cookbook. Last christmas, I followed the recipe for mince pies in a 1878 cookbook - to the letter! They tasted lovely! I should know, I ate them all!

  6. Some really great books! Ruby

  7. You found so beautiful books. I just love the bindings on old books. (I'm laughing about you saying "the flippin thing won't go up"-so cute!) laurie


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