Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I'm still enjoying my strawberries, so maybe I'll use this border until they're gone!

I love enamelware. Just wish I could get my hands on some of those cool English and French colors and patterns! I have to settle for good old American white-with-trim. Mind you, I'm NOT complaining! I love the stuff! And, to prove it, here's my stash:

Yes, there are two blue pans in among the red, but they're nice looking, too!

Some of them I use, some I don't have a use for (yet).

These two bowls are Corelleware. I like the way they look like enamelware. I have two black-rimmed ones also.
I'll end with a happy red cardinal, taken through the window.
So, what's reddening up your life this week?


  1. I love enamelware too. There is just something so charming and kind of "down to earth" about it! You have some great pieces of it, and I love that stand you've displayed them on. laurie

  2. OH! I love your Rednesday things! I forgot to make a special RED graphic but I do have a RED prim house graphic up today!!!

    That Corelle really looks like enamelware, how clever. I love enamelware but I don't like how it chips and then rusts...

  3. Good morning, Sue! I love how you have your enamelware displayed on the wrought iron.

  4. Oh, I do love your enamelware..it's just perfect for RED Day....

  5. I love your Red enamelware. The other person I am linking to on my post today collects Red enamelware also. I also love how it is displayed. I have noticed several bloggers have that stand. Happy Wednesday!

  6. Love your enamelware,gorgeous!
    Rachel x

  7. I too love your enamelware, I have some but none of it red :-(
    And the cardinal is sweet, I only ever see them on Christmas cards!

  8. Nice, hopefully, by next week my camera will work and I will be able
    to join in again.


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