Monday, August 3, 2009

The time is 7:25 p.m. and I just came in from pulling some weeds. I love the evening-scented flowers - they're so heavenly! Here are a few that I have:

Moonflower (Ipomoea Alba) - this is the first (and only, so far) bloom from last night.

Oriental Lily 'Muscadet'.

Oriental Lily 'Stargazer'.

Flowering Tobacco (Nicotiana).

And, last, is Mignonette (Rescda odorat) - a favorite of Napoleon's Josephine!
My Night Phlox (Zaluzianskya capensis) didn't do well this year, I only have one plant, which is rather spindly, and has 3 or 4 buds on it. If I had a bunch of them, they'd be gorgeous like these (photo courtesy of Dave's Garden)!
Breathe deep and enjoy!


  1. Oh, how lovely!
    Love your new header too!
    Such a nice blog to visit.

  2. very pretty. What is the last one called? Cann I get the seeds?

  3. Love your new header!!

    Gorgeous flowers...

  4. One year, my friend across the street and I grew moonflowers, and it was so much fun to go and check on them every night, and it was a competition to see who had the most flowers on any given night!
    I've never heard of Night Phlox. Sounds intriguing!

  5. Beautiful flowers! Love the new header too!
    Rachel x

  6. Hi Sue,
    I just came across your very cute blog. I love cherries too. My favorite are Bing Cherries. Although pink is my favorite color, red takes a close 2nd. I believe each room should have something just make the room come alive. I see you host fun. I would love to join. Anyway, your flowers are beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. Have a great day!


  7. I love most all flowers. I certainly enjoyed yours today. Such a nice variety. We all need a change once in awhile, and you did it with your new header. Nice job. See you Rednesday.


Thank you for sharing your Very Cherry thoughts with me - I enjoy hearing from all of you!