Monday, September 21, 2009


Goodbye, Summer! Or, as we called it here in Massachusetts this year, "The Summer That Wasn't".
Even the fairies are sad for it to go - see, this one's cried a river of tears!

I am prepared for Fall now. Yes, I said the "F" word. I have braced myself and, Dame Penniwig please take note, I am ready. Oh, look, the Autumn Flower fairies have arrived - yay!


  1. I can't wait till those Autumn Fairies make it all the way out west. It's so hard to get in a fall mood when it's 100 plus still!

  2. My local newspaper had that headline yesterday "The Summer That Wasn't." Of course, it's warm & humid today, lol. Hugs, Leslie

  3. If its any consolation, here in England we were promised a 'BBQ summer' but it lasted all of two days! In fact, we are having it now. The last three weeks have been gorgeous! I keep trying to prepare for autumn but the sun keeps shining and now it seems more like summer than the summer did!

  4. Happy first day of fall, Sue! I have succumbed to fall, and let go of summer, even though it was the nicest summer I can remember! Did you see the pumpkin that Penniwig has today? OMG, he's the cutest thing ever! I couldn't wait 'til Halloween to put him on my blog!

  5. Gracious, that naughty little autumn fairy looks like it wants to bean people on the head with those acorns.

    I better stay on my best behavior or you might "sic" him on me.

    I'm so glad you finally came over to the Dark Side -- IT IS AUTUMN!!!

  6. I so know what you mean, but the last few weeks have been beautiful here. Looks like a beechnut fairy?
    Love the pics


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