Monday, June 1, 2015


Here are some recent finds while I was out poking around!

A nice sturdy vintage apron with an embroidered cook who looks like she's deranged or on happy pills or something, lol!

I love this gothic-arched display case from a yard sale.

Another red bunny cookie cutter to add to my Easter collection! The purple Wood and Sons, England plate now resides in my purple half-bath.

I don't know who made this blue vase, but I also have a yellow one just like it. The tin will get a makeover at some point.

A big basket to put annual primroses in on my shady porch, a Dickens Christmas Stories book, a wood cover for a scrapbook or craft, and a Mary Engelbreit address book!

This is the cake I made for my Becky's 18th birthday on the 22nd of May. The sticks are to keep the layers from sliding off. Becky had her last day of school on the 22nd also. She's now officially out of school; she will get a certificate of completion instead of a diploma. No idea what the future holds for her, but that's okay - I like having her at home!

Becky made the vase a few years ago in school, and the irises are 'Honorabile', an 1840 heirloom variety.


  1. Sue, you had a good day on this outing. I need to be getting rid of things and not buy.

  2. Lots of great finds. I love the blue pottery vase. Happy Birthday to Becky! That is also my oldest daughter's birthday only she is 36!

  3. Such a sweet apron, its so cute! Happy Birthday to Becky! And yay for being out of school! The cake looks so delish! :) Happy weekend! xo Holly

  4. Some nice finds. Congratulations to Becky!It's nice you can appreciate her being home before she flies the nest. It happens so fast in retrospect.

  5. Wonderful finds! I love the cake too.


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