Wednesday, March 4, 2009

REDnesday #7, My Kitchen Table

Happy sunshiny Rednesday! I was so busy cleaning up for the tutor (who comes at 12:00) that I had forgotten what day it really is! So now that my cleaning is done I'll get down to business - today I'm showing you my kitchen table. I absolutely love this - it makes me happy just to look at it! Found it at an antique store about four years ago and made dh buy it for me for Mother's Day that year. I think we paid around $90 for it. The chairs were found at a second-hand shop that same year.


  1. I LOVE is very similar to my table that I got at a yard sale last year. I will have to post photos soon.

  2. So pretty, unusual...Is the top metal or painted wood?

  3. This table would make me happy too! I love it!!


  4. What a lovely table!! The entire room looks very charming!


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