Tuesday, June 30, 2009

REDNESDAY - Odds & Ends

Ah, it's Wednesday once again!
Today I'm going to show you some miscellaneous items. The only thing they have in common is my kitchen! No words necessary . . .

Join me, won't you?


  1. I love your kitchen odd and ends. I do hope my reds come up, but I seem to goof sometimes. I enjoy your post.

  2. I love those so-called odds-n-ends -- I call them TREASURES!

  3. I could really use some matching mugs in my kitchen. Especially ones that are as cute as those! Thanks for hosting!

  4. You have some really cool Odds N Ends! Love that little pillow hanging from a knob!

  5. Red and white kitchen towels are the best.

  6. Hi Sue - my first time joining you - love your red theme! My favorite color!!! Thanks for hosting this meme!

  7. Nice collection of dish towels, and I REALLY like those cups! I never cared too much for red, until a few years ago, and now it's my favorite! I'll have to join in here one of these weeks!

  8. In the nick of time, I made my Red post! Like all your reds! Especially the towels! Oh and the cups are great too! Now I'm gonna visit the blogs of the participants! Thanks for hosting!

  9. Sue, that is a glass ball. It withstands the weather really well. I have one inside that lights up. I am not sure of the proper name for my ground cover, but will let you know. Thanks for dropping in on me today.

  10. Rednesday? I love it! Those cups are so cute.


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