Just a wee bit of snow left on the ground! Amazing, since there was still over two feet of it a few weeks ago.
I love the angle of the shadows in the early morning!
Okay, here's the (red) rust . . . I have no idea what these are, but Mister has them sitting out in front of the barn and they make for a nice photo!
EDIT: Dawn, of It Just Dawned On Me, commented: "Those rusty things in front of your husband's barn are old jacks for vehicles. Put them under the axle, put a metal rod in the hole in the side and turn it round and round to raise your car! Yes!! The cool thing is that you get to lie down on the ground underneath your slowly lifting car to make them work!" Thanks, Dawn!
Here's a cool red oil drum on our deck, with a rusted hand mower and a few shovels with worn red paint. Oh, and that pair of rubber boots has some red coloring to them, too! (Now, I have no idea why there's an oil drum and a mower on our deck!)
FYI ~ the square box with the blanket on top is the cat "house" that Mister made a few years ago. It has three small 'rooms' (two with windows) and an opening on either end. But, of course, they prefer to sit on top of it rather than in it!
LOL - my cat never liked our cat house we got her either. :) LOVE the rusty pix - they go so great with the cute country and shabby chic style home decor I love. Thanks for another bright and cheerful REDnesday - perfect for this Sandwich Generation granny nanny after the - brrrrr - cold walk I just came back from with my senior mom. :)
Our last little patch of snow is finally gone, so to me that should mean it's full steam ahead for Spring-like weather!
Any cat that we had couldn't care less about the special little houses and beds that we'd spend time making for them. They'd do what THEY wanted, and I guess that's why I like cats so much!
Happy REDnesday!
I spy a red sled, too! Happy Rednesday! ♥
Loving all those splashes of red...We sure don't have to look far do we in our homes,lol
rusty objet d'art can be a great conversation starter.
Beautiful reds!
Happy Rednesday!
XOXO Lola:)
Hello Cherry! I liked your Japan post most of all. It is so troubling to know what they are going through...Loved the picture and scripture you used..very appropriate.
Lots of different reds this week :)
my cats never played or slept in their house once they grew out of kitten-hood, LOL! thanks for the linky & have a great week, we still have snow :( Faythe~
Those rusty things in front of your husband's barn are old jacks for vehicles. Put them under the axle, put a metal rod in the hole in the side and turn it round and round to raise your car! Yes!! The cool thing is that you get to lie down on the ground underneath your slowly lifting car to make them work!
Sue I love all your old rusty red. Thanks for hosting.
I see some red in there. Mine is up too.
great post! I love all of your postcards and headers!! I loved your Valentines gift! I owe ya so I'll put an Easter gift together for you. xox!!
Love seeing your old stuff.. Those old tools, look like 'jacks'. That cat house is pretty cool.. Happy Rednesday!
Hi Sue!
I've been up since 3:15 over here WAH! Getting ready for my dad's funeral today. Just wanted to check in and see if you received my email? It wouldn't go through to the email addie you gave me, so I sent another, using the email your blog links to (if memory serves, that's what I did???! my brain is all a-jumble)
Happy Rednesday,
Love that garden flag! Been wanting to come back and to a RED post for awhile. Glad I finally made it this time!
Thanks Sue, and Happy Rednesday!
For a second, I thought those rusty old jacks were rusty old trumpets on stands!
I love seeing all the photos every week ... the variety is amazing.
Your header just makes me so cheerful. Hopefully your snow will be gone, we had snow 2 days ago and today it will be in the 70's. Go figure. Lots of interesting old tools--have no idea but I love the rust.
Red is such a happy color--thanks for hosting!
Glad to see the snow go, too!
Love me some Red Wednesdays!
Gotta get rid of that snow. Spring time, you know!
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