Friday, December 4, 2009


Well, I sure wasn't expecting anything quite this soon, but was so excited when my package of goodies arrived today! I found out my Secret Santa is Cally from Cally's Cottage "across the pond"! She's a gal after my own heart - a red lover! Look at all she sent me - I'm in red heaven!
Some Mary Engelbreit, a red dotty bag, a red check bag, a sheer bag of buttons, some hearts and trinkets, and ribbon, and tea. Why, it reminds me of the list of toys in How the Grinch Stole Christmas (t.v. special):

Jing Tinglers, Flu Floopers, Tar Tinkers, Who Hoovers, Gar Ginkers, Trum Tupers, Slu Slumkers, Blum Bloopers, Who Wompers, Zu Zitter Carzay, Who Carnio Flunx!

Although I definitely got the better of the two! Thank you Cally, so much!!


Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Sue.. How sweet is this. What a lovely box you have received. You are a lucky ducky indeed. So many reds. I love cherries, so I can appreciate anything red, and sweetie you received eye candy reds in this box. I recognize some Mary Engelbreight in there. Yes I do. Love it.

Thanks for sharing sweetie. Have a beautiful day. Country hugs,Sherry

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

How fun! What a delightful assortment. You are lucky!

Callies Cottage said...

Hello Sue, How lovely to meet you 'officially'!I have so enjoyed reading your blog and finding out about you and putting your goodies together.I know it was supposed to be secret santa but we had to put our details on for shipping reasons so...
Have a wonderful weekend,
Cally X