Monday, January 18, 2010


(Helen from the movie Blast From The Past)

Yeah, this is how I've been feeling this weekend - just blah. Have the post-holiday blues finally caught up with me? Is it my peri-menopause? Or the fact that football season is over (for me)?

What to do, what to do . . .

I know! I'll roll my pennies and go thrift shopping!


Anonymous said...

Aw, you probably need some sunshine, sweets! But spending is always a nice quick fix! ☺

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Shop!!! Great idea! That ought to banish the blues! "Banish the blues, with some green, and soon you'll feel in the pink again!"

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

Yes! Thrifting sounds good. You have the menopause blahs; I have a menopause rash! Ever heard of that? Me neither --- until I broke out and then was talking to my Mom who said "Oh yes; that's just part of the change of life!" So, I googled it and sure enough! It can happen! (Excess of a certain hormone.) Agh! How bloody awful! I'd rather have the blahs 'cause they don't itch and burn!

Happy shopping!

Sarah said...

I can totally relate!! :-)