My Tribute ~

Yes, I admit it, I am a "Lostie". LOST was my favorite show - no one was allowed to talk to me while it was on! Now I have to buy the dvd set!

Just before I was readying this post, I noticed that there were a bunch of reds all grouped together (unintentionally) on the kitchen table.

The DS cover graphic is from a Japanese Anime called Keroro (in America, Sgt. Frog).
A quick yard sale down our street on Sunday produced - oh joy of joys - an Optimus Prime mask (Transformers) for Teen, and some Transformer figurines also.

And last - a sneak peak at some red that's going on my "Wish You Were Here" Summer Postcard swap for next month.

Hi Sue, Happy REDnesday. That's a really pretty pattern on your tabletop. Love your "cheery, cherry rug", too.
I don't know what I'll do with myself Tuesdays at 8PM, and I think I'm going through withdrawals already!
I'm always happy to get a peek at that table that I love so much, and that cherry rug is very cheery!
Happy REDnesday!
I am a Lostie,too. I love your tribute . I am going to start watch watching it over again too. Even though it is over , every one still has their interpretation of the ending just like they had their theories of the show before it ended.
That is a sweet rug at your back door !Fabulous table , first time I have seen that & great yard sale finds !
I can't link up again. Can you try for me. Just pick one of my garden pics on my post is fine. Thanks for your help. I am not sure what is wrong with the picture linky and my blog?
I love that red cherry rug :)
Sue, how fun to look at your table of red objects. Isn't serendipity fun? Thank you for hosting this fun meme each week. I'm joining in for the first time this week, but hope to be a regular soon. Great idea! ~ Sarah
I couldn't get into Lost. Glad it's over. Your world is certainly very cherry on Rednesdays! Will have to remember this and join you some week soon! :)
Oh Sue, I bet your son was one happy camper!
Happy Rednesday!
Lost was how I felt when it appeared on TV.
Love your pictures. When I learn someday how to do a 'linky' I will join some of these 'events', until then I'll just enjoy yours.
Have a lovely Memorial holiday ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
I love lost tooooo! I deliberately didn't watch it this season. We will buy the DVDs and spend a weekend watching it non-stop. I can't wait! :) We will be watching the season finally of 24 tonight. We recorded it.
Thank you for hosting! :)
Very nice. I love the doormat and the lobsters are great! Happy Rednesday!
Christi @ A Southern Life
Happy Rednesday; Sue! I love your colorful back door and your pretty rug. So funny how your table was covered with miscellaneous red items! Thank you for hosting a really fun day!
Very cute welcome rug, but I am in love with that blue door!!!! nice finds, I'm searching about the anime Sgt. Frog, here at home we are HUGE Japanese animated series. Happy Rednesday... ;)
ups.... I missed FANS, we are HUGE fans of manga and anime..
Hi, Sue,
Loving the red cherry rug!! I remember the Transformers. My kids loved them growing up.
I too am a Lostie and so sad to see it end... Thanks for hosting Rednesday... I love it...I love your res...especially the rug...Mica/The Child's Paper
Hi Sue~Thanks for hosting another great party. I love the linky pictures. :)
Also, I really, really love your cheery cherry rug!
The Tattered Tassel
Happy Rednesday! I like all these but I think it's so cute how you had a little grouping unintentionally on the table! Gotta love that red!!!
Thanks for hosting.
barbara jean
Those pictures of the lobsters made me want some...
I am a fan of Lost too. I was heart broken when the Doctor said "I am dead"? I will also buy the 4th and the 5th season infact I am almost done reviewing the 3rd season lol!! Very Lost fanatic of me ^_^ Happy Wednesday and mine is up!
Red Slides
Lovely reds today.
I am out of reds for the time being! Hard to believe , I know!
I too LOVED Lost! Watched it from day 1!!
I cried like a baby during the finale and I am very happy it ended that way. The 3rd show into the series, my hubby said, "They are all dead and are in purgatory!" It had to be his Catholic education! LOL!!
I was SO happy that I ended up finding Lost on Saturday night. The season finale. I missed it on Tuesday. I was so upset. I'll be honest, I cried watching the show,LOL. Believe it or not, I even had a dream about it last night. Isn't that funny?
I won't be joining today my favorite day since I have to be at a Convention all day long.
Love that cherry little rug...thanks for sharing your red things...blessings
Yes, I watched LOST too. Couldn't explain it to my family...
I enjoyed the series - the links to C.S. Lewis and other very interesting info.
According to Dr. Jensen @ Entertainment Weekly.
will try to join later this evening. Working on something with lots of red!
Thanks for hosting!
I'm sad about LOST too. :(
I love this idea for a linky so I'm off to search for some 'red'.
thanks for hosting!
Sue, I love your little doormat-so cute. Thanks for hosting!
I love that cheerful red rug at your back door! I like the yellow clogs too!! Thanks for another fun Rednesday!!
Susan and Bentley
Thanks for this great weekly party. I haven't seen any beetles or bugs on the Asian lilies. Sure hope I don't get any.
Hi Sue!
Thank you again for hosting Rednesday!
I don't think I told you before - I have a girlfriend whose last name is Cherry, how fun is that?!
I love your cheery cherry rug and I can't wait to see your entry in Elizabeth's swap.
Happy Rednesday,
Thank you, Sue, for hosting this great party! This is my first time and I am excited to be involved!
Thanks again!
Yesssssssssss....I got a post in for one of my fav days...going through some rubbish on the work front and it is taking up a lot of my brain space...creative stuff has to come last I suppose.
I haven't watched Lost, but I'm into most of the reality shows (Hoarders, 19 Kids and counting, The real wives of Atlanta). Love the cherry rug! Go red!
Sue, I read at your right hand column of what happened to PFC Ben, I am sad of what happened to him. Rest assured of our prayers.
My husband been and I got sucked into LOST too! It is kind of strange when a show ends. I cried when Gilmore Girls was canceled (I was 7 months pregnant, maybe that had something to do with it?!) I love the cherry mat and the blue door! Happy Rednesday!
Hey, Miss Sue!!!It's good to be back.I haven't posted anything red in awhile,but I have missed it:)Love the red gingham, and your tablecloth, too!
Hi Sue!
I just NOW realized after looking at it 3 times that the gorgeous tabletop in your picture is NOT a tablecloth, but the ACTUAL top of the table! It's FABULOUS.
Oh my I am swooning -- it is fantastic. It's enamel right? I love those old enamel topped kitchen tables, but that is THE prettiest one I have ever seen. Ever.
Hi Sue! I'm so happy you host this get-together.
I too an a LOST fan. I hated to see the end of the show, They certainly had many more story lines do delve into, but I guess they got tired.
I taped this whole season and the finale for my parents...they watched their other shows....NCIS, so I did for them. I'm gonna have to get the other season tho.
I had to laugh when I began reading your post. I couldn't decide on a title for my post tonight, until after I had written it and saw how "cheery" the cherries looked. LOL
Please stop by for a visit at my cottage and peek in on the details for the three linky parties I'm starting up the first week of June.
Have a cheery, cherry Memorial weekend!
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
Gosh, I remember when Rednesday was just starting out and I was kind of worried about you are really hoppin'!!!
Transformers cards are very popular on the card aisle, and there is a really big Optimus Prime that is forever selling out...Hallmark's "enemy" American Greetings has the rights to Transformers...but we straighten their cards as a courtesy...
Well, I know it's REDnesday, but I love your blue door, too! :-) It's a great rug, and all the blue, red and yellow colors go very well together.
Our son loves Transformers, too. I'll bet your teen will be very happy with your finds.
Sue, I'm so sad that I can't figure out why I can't tag into Rednesday anymore. I'm not linky savy enough to know what's wrong. I wonder if I hit a button on my dashboard that disables me to post my pics now???
I did try this week to join in the post brings peeps to ya but I'm not in the list.
Denise, I am having the same problem. It says this never closes, but Mr. Linky says it is. I am not savvy enough either. Perhaps someone can help us. I have so little red in my life that when I get some I like to share it here. :-)
I have great Camarones a la Diabla pictures and recipe to share today.
Ladybug Creek
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