The above is Grant Wood's 1931 painting
Plaid Sweater. “Plaid Sweater is a portrait of Mel Blumberg of Clinton, Iowa. According to Wood’s sister, Nan, he was to paint the boy, but did not want him to be wearing his ‘Sunday Best’ for the portrait. He was discussing the matter when the subject burst into the room wearing the plaid sweater and carrying a football. Grant Wood thought this was the perfect way to represent the football player; the portrait was not to be staged, and Wood shows the boy as a heroic archetype of the ‘All-American Boy.’ Wood portrays this youth as a healthy symbol of the future and a natural extension of his environment.”
Have you heard Kenny Chesney's new single called The Boys of Fall? Click on the photo of him below to link to YouTube ~

I'm glad my team's logo has red in it! We beat the Bengals this past Sunday (Sorry Ohio friends!).

Here's some of my plaid collection that I love to bring out every Fall! The bag on the left I'm assuming is a shoe bag, it's the right size; maybe a bowling shoe bag.
EDIT: Melody of Brown Gingham Creations says it's a picnic bag that originally holds 2 thermoses and sandwich boxes, etc. ~ Thanks, Melody!

I just love this tote bag with its' leather handle. Wait 'til you see what's inside . . .

Java to go, anyone? A little coffee pot with unopened stir sticks, containers for sugar and cream, and two plastic coffee cups! (Of course, I can't understand why they're not red!) It would be great if it plugged into the car!

I'll leave you with some red-centered 'Jaguar' Marigolds, nestled in among Forget-Me-Nots and Candytuft!

Hey, let's put this baby up wicked early today!
Great reds!! I LOVE the coffee tote.
Super plaid collection Sue! It really screams Fall.
I sent you an email, but it got kicked back to me. Hope you're up and around and feeling ok after Friday. See you later tonight for REDnesday!
LOL...Sue you are up and running "Wicked" early this Rednesday. I'm so enjoying all of your red plaids this week. Thanks so much for sharing with us all and for hosting for us.
♥•.*.Thank you.*.•♥
♥•.*.from Vicki.*.•♥
Ha I was ready.
Hi Sue...we could not go antiqueing together...LOL...we'd be going after the same stuff!
I really have to do a post with my Scotch Plaid collection. You have a large picnic bag there not a shoe bag. It has two thermoses and boxes for sandwiches.. things like that. It's like you coffee bag. I just found that a month ago. Did you know there is a square metal one that hangs on the back of a car seat. Dad says he thinks they were made for old Woody trucks cause folks would take those for long trips. I'd love to have one of those, but a good one costs near $100...guess they rusted out fast....cause a rusty one was $65.
Love you vintage detergent coffee pot holder and those little swanky? glasses.
Oh by the way our Cincinnati Reds, baseball team, are in first place!! Hopefully it'll be a world series year!!!!!
Hi Sue!
Oh! I love that you're up early so I can start visiting. :)
Thanks so much for sharing the Grant Wood painting with us, I love GW! I adore all of your plaids and painted tea pot, so much fun!
Happy Rednesday,
Sue....Heaven only knows what I did wrong putting up the Linky. This old computer is way out of date...wish I could correct it, but can't do it. Sorry about the mistake. Where the "%#39;s" comes from I do not have a clue. Love your tote bag. I have one similar that my daughter gave me for Christmas...it is insulated so I can take my lunches in it to school. As always, thanks for hosting our Rednesdays. I love them.
Genie @ Buttons for Baga
Hi Sue,
I love all the plaid!! Your right, it is perfect for the fall. So warm and cozy.:o)
Have a great Rednesday!!
The Tattered Tassel
Very nostalgic. I remember my red plaid lunchbox with matching red thermos! It would have fit perfectly with your tote!
Great series of shots for the meme. :)
Oh wow, I love that painting of the boy in the sweater! I don't think I have ever seen it before. And I love football. Happy Rednesday!
What a great painting...and I love all those plaids!
I am NOT a fan of country, but my wife is. I have to say, this is one song that gets me excited for my favorite sport!
I love the plaids, Sue. That coffee to go bag is perfect. You always have such great finds.
Have I told you lately how much Rednesday blesses my heart. It truly brightens my day--no pun intended. ;) Thank you for hosting as always.
Eventually I will get better at my RED images,, all of these entries are so gorgeous...I'm learning still everyone...
And Sue,,, you are so wonderful for hosting this every week,,, Thanks Oooooodles~~~
Blessings and Hugs Dena
Love your red plaid items...thanks for sharing!!!...cleo
I am crazy about your collection of red plaid!!
Susan and Bentley
Lovely reds! Happy Mid-Week!
love that top pic and all your lunch boxes and thermos.
thanks for hosting
barbara jean
Great shots of red for this great meme!
Lola & Nora:)
I love your plaids...awesome goodies..Mica
Great pictures. Have a blessed week. Debbie
Plaid really does remind me of cool nights, football, cider and doughnuts!!!!! I love this season and the picture is so cool. Your red plaid thermos and bags look great for fall decorating.
Happy Rednesday.
Great fun Fall reds!! Love all the plaid!
Thanks for hosting this meme, I always enjoy coming here to visit. There is something homey about your blog- and it makes me feel warm inside. Have a wonderful week.
As always. enjoy your feature on reds. You have so many neat things. I take my camera everywhere and look out for red items. Thanks for getting your post up earlier.
I hope you know how much I am loving your plaid! I am mad for plaid! Especially Scotch plaid!
We have a tote like your red plaid one - and inside are two plaid thermoses! I was surprised to see you had a coffeepot in yours! I just love your Rednesday party - I'm so glad I can be a part of it! Hugs, Patti
I am so glad that your party was perfect timing for me seeing red. I have received such sweet and supportive comments for my shoplifting incident. This is why I love blogging, such sweet and supportive folks. Thank you for hosting this fun party. By the way, I was guessing a shoe bag as well. I learned something new.
Hello Sue, The Totebag reminds me in my heydays 1950s i got a plaid bag from Woolies i just loved that bag.
Regards Doris
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