First of all, happy first day of Fall tomorrow!
Life just gets busier and busier! But I'm lovin' it! Friday and Monday Teen and little Jade (that I babysit) were both home sick.
Mister is laid off again, so he's around all the time now - working on the barn, of course! Bye, bye shabby red shingles!

I bought Teen this "Brit bag" at a thrift shop recently. It has one broken handle, but Mister will fix it (eventually!).

Stopped at my beside-the-post-office-thrift-store Monday and picked up a few small items. This small glass jar (I can hardly pass them by without scooping them up, I don't know why!), and an adorable dutch theme planter.

I also saw, and bought, this cute vintage box of Christmas cards (all there!).

You have a big, nice barn. It looks nice as is, but will really stand out when your hubby finishes up his work. I like all your goodies you picked up on your trip to the post office. Fall may be started on the calendar, but weather wise here, no way.
Hi Sue,
So sorry to hear the Mister has been laid off. I'm sure you will keep him busy around the house.
Thank you, as always, for hosting Rednesday. Your vintage cards are very charming. The planter is really cute, too.
Happy Rednesday
WOW!!! Your find of those vintage Christmas cards in that precious box is just too good to be true. Boy, were you are the right place at the right time with the right amount of money. I also like the Brit bag. After all of those trisp taking middle school students to England in the summers, I love the Brits! Happy Rednesday.
Hi Sue,
I love the vintage Christmas cards. What a find! Thanks for sharing.
I love those cards , too.
Wow..so many great finds! Love it all and YOUR BARN!
Stop over and enter my csnstores gift card giveaway if you have time. Thanks!!
Love the vintage cards...what a find!
Thank you for hosting, Sue!
Have a terrific Rednesday!
So sorry to hear your Mister is laid off of work. Love the vintage Christmas cards!! Thanks for hosting Rednesday!
Hello Sue - I confess! I'm a party crasher! Thanks for sharing your space with my little red link. Your blog is so vital and interesting ... I'm in blog-town and have been enjoying your garden and other tidbits.
.... ooops, i meant to say I'm NEW in blog-town. i hope that makes a little more sense.
Love the vintage holiday cards - so sweet.
Dear Sue,
I'm so sorry to hear that your hubby is laid off...I hope he will be back to work soon!
I want to wish you a Happy Rednesday!
Way cool Brit bag! Love it!
Lots of good reds here..:)
Thanks much for hosting this day full of redness..
Lots of good reds here..:)
Thanks much for hosting this day full of redness..
Fall may be here but not in my part of the country. Will be in another couple of weeks, maybe.
Trees still green..no sign of color change yet...
Sure hope mister finds work soon. I know how tough that is.
But you did find some great stuff. Those cards are really cute!
I so would have scooped up that British flag bag faster than you could say tea and crumpets!
Glad to hear that, although, Mister is laid off, he does have something to keep himself busy and outta your hair, LOL!
I noticed your Dr. Who banner at the bottom of the page!
I am a HUGE fan, too!
My favorite doctor still has to be David Tennant.
The new one is okay, but I fell in love with the show while David was the Doctor and just can't love anyone else yet, LOL!
Thank you for the fun partay!!
Love all your thrift store finds ~ especially those Christmas cards!!
Susan and Bentley
You really have my dream home. I love how homey it feels. I want a barn and a huge yard and all of the above.
Just found you sweet blog and thought I would join your party since I have a little red!
bee blessed
You are lucky to have a handyman Mister.
Mine doesn't like me buy things that clutter the house.
Sue, it is so nice to be able to join the festivities at Rednesday once again.
Hope everyones will enjoy taking a trip back in time to last July 4th with me.
Hi Sue...
Happy Rednesday! I'm so excited to be able to participate today, Sue! Thank you so much for hosting this fabulous red party for us to enjoy!
It sounds like you have been really busy! I hope the kiddos are feeling better and I'm so sorry to hear that your Mister was laid off. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way, my friend! I sure enjoyed getting a peek at your newest thrifting treasures! I especially like that Dutch planter...it's awesome! Ohhh my, and vintage Christmas cards...love that!!!
Warmest autumn wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design
That barn is really gorgeous, no matter what kind of shingles are on it! I wish I had one, but then I'd probably just fill it with junk!
Those cards are such a great find. The graphics on them are so sweet, and bet you'll do something really cute with them!
Happy REDnesday,
OOOOHHHH, Love those red finds! The Dutch Girl and boy thingy is cute andf those cards....great find
I'd love to see that card close up with the girl in the apron holding the cookie sheet decking the tree :)
I didn't think I'd get to join in this week, but phew, I just made it! Thanks so much for hosting such a fun get-together!
Well, I'd better be off I gotta get back to finishing some things up .
Sue...what wonderful finds!! I just love those Christmas Cards....so 1960's!!
I like the vintage christmas cards. I cant belive Christmas is only three more months! Thank You for hosting today.....Julian
It's so nice to have hubbies home for days at a time. Hope things aren't too stressful till he gets back to work.
I love the red barn....so country.
You vintage christmas cards are wonderful. Hugs, Linda
Good evening! It's taken me all day to get back to the computer, sorry!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the vintage Christmas cards. Wow -- they bring me right back to childhood. All the finds are great, but those -- wow!
I'm sorry you've been sick, and also sorry that your husband is laid off. Howard was out of work for 5 months this year; no fun!
Best wishes Cass
Being an Anglophile, I love that Brit bag!
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