Sunday, June 5, 2011


Just some garden flowers for your Sunday enjoyment!

Geranium and Penstemon Pygmaeus

White Columbine


Sun Rose 'Henfield Brilliant'

Sweet Rocket and Camassia

"antique" Irises




Orange Poppy


ImagiMeri said...

Hi Sue,

Thanks for sharing all the pretty flowers......I'm a sucker for flowers! I hope all is well in your world.

Happy Sunday,

Tina´s PicStory said...

Beautiful garden.
About my aliens. I don´t know what is is but shure nothing good for the leafs. :)
LG Tina

Cheeseboy said...

Love those white Columbines. Wonder if they would grow here in Utah?

My Vintage Mending said...

Gorgeous. We are hitting the heat now and things are withering fast. This is just a nice reminder of the beauty a garden holds. Smiles...Renee

Ric Rac and Polka Dots said...

So pretty. Thank you for posting them. My garden is just starting to take off. Only one plant has flowered, and seeing these pictures makes me anxious for the rest! But I don't want to rush summer, so I can wait!!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Beautiful blooms!! Looking good....


★Carol★ said...

You've got a really great variety of flowers blooming right now, Sue! I love the sweet rocket, but I'm wondering if it tries to take over, like it does here? I usually cut the flowers and then yank the plant out, but I guess I'm always too late, because I end up with more every year, in the weirdest places!