Happy week after Christmas/week before the New Year!
I'm tired! Are you? Note to self: never offer a set of dishes on eBay ever again! Why, you ask? Because I made a stupid mistake of not changing the weight of the item on the eBay form and the set was listed as being between 1 and 2 pounds, instead of the 24+ pounds it really was! So the lucky buyer only paid $7.15 for shipping three boxes of dishes instead of the $29.14 that it really cost! Merry Christmas to him! Plus, it took me a few hours to wrap each piece in bubble wrap and box them up. Mister couldn't understand why I didn't just contact the guy and tell him about the mistake but, I said, it's just that - my mistake, not his. Live and learn!
I did have a very enjoyable Christmas. The (4) cats got a 6-foot cat tower.

Mister got a subscription to the New England Patriots weekly newspaper.

Katherine's big gift was an X Box 360, but her best gift was a "vintage" Banjo - Kazooie game for the old Nintendo 64 system from her sister!

Becky got mostly games for Wii and her Nintendo DS, and clothes. Mister got me this beautiful tea cup, among other things, and some money towards a new camera! Yahoo! Jade's mom gave me a $25 gift cert to A.C. Moore, and my mo-in-law gave me a $100 gift cert to Michael's - of which I spent most of it there yesterday!

your vintage pics are nice...Mel
Sounds like a wonderful holiday, even for the cats! And your ebay buyer got quite the deal! Thanks for hosting and Happy New Year!
Great pics ! Sorry about your Ebay mistake !
Love all the great Christmas gifts! So sorry about the ebay mistake! I always worry when I sell something that I've underpriced the shipping but egads that was a lot my friend!
I am ready for some rest this week...Christmas made me tired! hugs, Linda
Oh that is really the pits about the postage.
It sounds like you had a nice Christmas. WooHoo on that gift certificate to Michaels!!What a sweet MIL!
Happy New Year!!
Oh, boy, I can see why you weren't too happy about your e-bay problem, but I bet that is a mistake you will never make again! That is just the way it goes some times. So sorry. But on the other hand you have an awesome kitty tower! My kitties would be in heaven! Sound like you had a nice Christmas. I should get on the Redness wagon some time. It is on Tuesdays?
I do believe Santa was very kind and giving when he arrived at your house. I am happy he stopped by with all the goodies everyone wanted. Even the kitties were blessed. Does not get much better than that.
Thanks,Sue...glad u had a good Christmas.
Sorry about the mess up in shipping charges...:(
love that teacup! so pretty!!
have a great week!
Bummer on the shipping Sue. Yeah, I'm like you and would probably bite the bullet and eat it too. Live and learn, right? Glad you had a wonderful holiday. Ours was so much fun also. Yeah, looking forward to things slowing down a little. Being a bit lazy for a few days and then hitting the 'put away Christmas' mode.
This is my first visit here, love the homespun charm! I entered my link so I hope to meet some new friends. Have a very red Wednesday!
Gayle from Behind the Gate
This is my first visit, I love the homespun charm of your blog!
Gayle from Behind the Gate
Sounds like you had a nice Christmas. All the best for 2012 ~ Sarah
Yep, sometimes it is best to live and learn. Love that teacup. So pretty in red! I am glad you had a nice Christmas and now it is time to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
... and a happy new year ...
i hope there are plenty of sweet cherries in your 2012, Sue.
my best to you and your family ... thanks for all the rednesdays!
Such a lovely Christmas post. And what a great example you set for your sweet family! Have a blessed and fun New Year! With all those fun games, I bet y'all will have some great New Year's Eve family fun. And hopefully all those savings will soon add up to a new and easy to use digital camera :)
Oh yes, I have done that on etsy and actually lost money. I felt so dumb! But, you are right, I had to honor my original price and bite the bullet! Glad to see it's not just me! lol! Love your cute blog!
Thanks so much for hosting this great party year round!!
Happy New Year to you and yours!!
Happy New Year!
The kitties must think they're in heaven! I know my Oliver would be up there on the top!
Beautiful cup and saucer and yay for gift certificates!!
See you next year LOL!!
My cats- who tend to like to lurk around my laptop - are quiet jealous of that tower!
When I saw this red snowflake mug at Cracker Barrel this week, my first thought was snowflake! my second was 50% off! my third was Rednesday! Always excited to join your delightful red party!
That stinks about the postage. But I'm totally envious of your Michael's gift card. Goodie for you!! Our new kitten would LOVE that cat tower. Happy Rednesday!
So sorry about the ebay mistake, I never make any money at sales mostly because of my mistakes LOL
Thanks for having the party today I was not going to look at my blog or any others and take a break, Just couldn't do it LOL
Happy New Year
thanks for this Rednesday all year I really enjoyed it
thanks for hosting, glad to be able to join in again.
barbara jean
Sue, I had the same thing happen to me with the last stuff I sold on Ebay. They were huge boxes and I forgot to check the box saying extra large package. Darn! And I've had the reverse happen where someone didn't charge me enough, and they asked me to pay more for the shipping. I had to tell them no, that I wouldn't have bought the item if shipping was $10 more. You live and learn when you're an Ebay seller!
Glad to hear you had a great Christmas. I wish you a very healthy and prosperous New Year!
Oh I am so sorry to hear of your eBay problem. I have some dishes I was either going to finally use this year or sell on eBay or take to the consignment shop. I did none of these. I did try selling some stamp sets and had a problem with eBay turbo lister ending up with $100 in fees by mistake - after several conversations with them - they've promised to consider crediting me with $70. Since I didn't clear $30 on the few stamp sets I sold, it wasn't a very merry ebay season for me either. It sounds as though the rest of your Christmas was plenty merry! Happy New Year!
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