Hi everyone! What joy and satisfaction I get when I'm in the garden. I wish I could spend all my waking hours out there! I go out as much as I can to prep the flower beds and curse the deer for walking through them!
Here are my first Primroses - glad one of them is red!

Has any of you traveled down Memory Lane? Or Lovers Lane, for that matter of fact? I've been down each many a time - they're both in my little town of Medway! Katherine's best friend lives on Lovers Lane (when she's not in college).

My favorite house in town is on Lovers Lane. Yellow with green shutters is my favorite house color combo, and this has it, along with an adorable screen door . . . and a red barn/garage!

Memory Lane is closer to my house, off the street that Jade's school is on.

Just thought I'd throw this pic in, too. It's my second favorite house in town. I don't know why, there's really nothing special about it, but I enjoy driving by it four times a day when I take Becky to school and pick her up! When you look at the enlarged pic, you can see the table and stools better that are in the front yard. I don't know if they're stone or faux, but they remind me of mushrooms - so cute!

Have a pleasant week!
I love to look at houses, too! I love the red barn in the back of the yellow house!
Beautiful Primroses! I'm with you on the yellow house, it's so pretty and cheerful!
Joining in this week (hope pizza red counts! and thanks for hosting!
I love the Primroses! I don't know which I like better. I love color, red especially and I love the white with the little yellow center. Just gorgeous Carol. Thanks for hosting Rednesday!
The French Hutch
I love the Primroses! I don't know which I like better. I love color, red especially and I love the white with the little yellow center. Just gorgeous Carol. Thanks for hosting Rednesday!
The French Hutch
I had no idea these streets existed. I am so glad they do. What a treat to drive by them daily. Smiles...Renee
I'm with you, I love to look at different houses - some of which call my name! And what lovely flowers. My senior mom is just starting her gardening projects IF the frost would stop coming back. :)
Are y'all joining in on the fun at the 5 Minutes for Mom Ultimate Blog Party 2012? I am - it's a fun way to meet new blog friends and maybe even win a fun prize or two. And as I meet fellow grandparents, caregivers, or others of special interest, I'll be talking about them at SandwichINK. If any of you are going to be there, do let me know - it would be fun to write about friends from Rednesday who are party-ing with us at the UBP12 :) And you'll notice even my granddog wants all of You to join in the fun :) (Yes, I know - his mama told me I was being QUITE cheesy about it - and of course, I was - and enjoying it thoroughly, as was he :) ).
Have a blessed week.
I love your neighborhood!
Susan and Bentley
I love driving around looking at house, esp. older ones.
thanks for hosting.
there is a house i admire too ... the brick color, the shutters ... the flowers ... they really captured "me" ... it's near a stop sign so i can gaze at it a few extra seconds when i drive by.
happy rednesday Sue!
I also love to look at houses and those with so much charm are my favorites! Good Reds! Hugs, Linda
So beautiful!! I love looking at homes.
I also wanted to let you know that I posted about your swap party and here is the link: http://plumperfect.blogspot.com/2012/04/easter-gift-swap.html
I posted a link back to your blog, thank you again so much....I had a wonderful time participating!
Have a wonderful night!
Isn't it fun having your favorite houses that you drive by everyday?
Sometimes I drive a particular route just to see the house I love.
Your photos are great this week. Loved them all. But, in honesty it is the street names that Ice the cake. I am always hunting out those unusually named street to photograph.
Thanks for all you do hosting this red-fest each week.
Love houses & signs!
Happy Rednesday!
The pop of red from the primroses is real pick me up! thanks.
who wouldn't love to liv on lovers lane! Very nice houses.
There sure are alot of pretty homes in your town! I love that yellow and green one too. I've tried talking my husband into replacing our front or back door with a screen one, but no luck so far. Your primroses are looking lovely!
Happy REDnesday,
I like the red barn with the yellow house. I always wanted an older home never a new one .
It is fun to still dream about living in one someday
Love Primroses and their happy faces!
Oh the yellow house with the Red Barn...beautiful! And love your flowers! Thanks for hosting Rednesday!
I adore the yellow house on Lovers Lane..how wonderful it must be to live there..Happy Rednesday!!
The houses are beautiful! Thank you for hosting and have a great day!
Hello, I came to visit -- I love RED! :)
I happened to see, on your right side bar, that you are looking for a new yellow bowl. I checked on ebay for you, and I saw a few! So just go to ebay.com, and then, in the Search bar, type: yellow fire king bowl, and you'll see them! Good luck in getting one!
Hi Sue, I too could spend every waking hour in the garden. It truly is therapy for me. Love both of the houses you shared and how fun to live on streets with such cute names. Thanks for hosting!
Found you over at Share Your Cup Thursday. Love your blog and all the fun things to look at. Thanks for hosting such a fun linky party!
I love houses...I have a thing for certain ones. Yellow is my fav color so that house is precious although I'm partial to red too. There's a house I love now that is a pale yellow with red trim and shutters....LOVE!!!!
thanks for the pics and links...I keep forgetting on Wednesdays...duh!!!
Thank you for posting this. It’s exactly what I was looking for!
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