I hope you don't mind going for . . .

First, are some of my beloved Primroses. These are Primula florindae. The ones on the bottom right are "Belarina Pink Ice".
Some pretty tulips with even prettier insides!
Luscious velvety red Calibrachoa waiting for a hanging planter.

Another red Primrose called Dark Red Hose-in-Hose. Hose-in-Hose means that there is basically one flower sitting directly on top of another on the same stem. Unfortunately, these don't do it, but I like them anyways!
(Still not liking this new "compose post" page! :P)
Thank you for inviting me to stroll the garden with you. Your flowers are already beautiful. I love the Primrose and the red and white tulips. Thank you for hosting.
The French Hutcj
red Primrose: love this, What's the difference from an evening primrose?
Lots of pretty flowers! Give the new blogger time....I've been using it for awhile now and like it. Hugs, Linda
Such beautiful Primroses!! All so pretty!! xo Heather
Looking into the heart of that tulip just makes me shiver with delight!
What lovely flowers!! Spring is here!
Yay for spring, and the lovely blooms in your garden! :)
Happy May! Lovely blooms!
Enjoyed strolling through your garden and staying to party with you.
I never get enough flowers and working in my flower beds. I just love this time of year to get all our bedding plants out
Happy REDNESDAY I am happy to get to come over
Ahh, your flower are so pretty. Happy, happy Spring!
Love the primroses..thank you for hosting a fun site! Dianna
A Very sweet blog ... I'll have to get pics of my cherry stuff etc and join in on Rednesday, I would love you to check out my blog ... perhaps we could follow one another. I'll be back. L.
Well, you KNOW I like seeing what's happening in your garden! Love the primroses. They're such a fairytale-ish flower to me! I've never tried growing them, but every time I see yours, it makes me want to try!
Have a great weekend!
Pretty primroses and spectacular tulips, and cute cards.
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