Happy almost-New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas holiday!
This is a small banner I made for my sister, with 3-inch circles. The background paper is the most beautiful floral but, for some reason, it didn't photograph well. And, I didn't feel like unwrapping it to photo again!

I found this cute little stove in my stocking!

I think just about everything looks better with snow on it! What a beautiful blue sky this morning! Nice to see after our blizzard - the weatherman was calling this a "winter hurricane" because of the strong winds and coastal flooding!

Merry red Christmas to you! Love the little stove, just too cute!
Happy New Year,
Love the stove, hey i love anything red!happy new year
Cute stove!! I just found out about Rednesday... I am a huge fan of red!
The little stove is cute! Glad you are safe and sound. Great shot against the beautiful blue sky. Happy New Year! ~ Sarah
I have that little stove too, but I never knew that it was supposed to be a sugar bowl! Glad you survived the blizzard, and if I haven't told you before, I reeeeally love your barn!
Happy REDnesday and Happy New Year!
Your little stove is so cute-Happy New Year:@)
That stove is too adorable! I love your red house too!
Happy Rednesday Sue and thank you for sharing your darling little stove with us. Just charming.
Your home looks beautiful with the glorious blue sky behind it. We Floridans can enjoy the view of snow knowing that we won't have to drive in it. ;-)
ahhh, I love that little stove, too.
Thanks for all the memes you've had for us this year. I hope we get to go thru the next year together. :))
The stove is to cute! Happy New Year!
Love the stove! Happy New Year! Thanks for hosting Rednesday!
Hi there Sue, hoped you had a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year to come.
Love the vintage stove.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year.
That was a great find in your stocking. Santa new just what color you liked.
A very Cherry New Year to you Sue and others ... Thanks for the rockin' Rednesday!
Oh Yes, so very delightful Sue...
Such FUN items you always have to share with us. Thanks for always being you and being here for us...Hugs Dena
Merry Red Christmas!
Happy New Year Sue! That little stove is too darn cute. I don't think I've ever seen one like it before. Have a great day, try to stay warm, Nan
Oh Sue, that little stove is adorable, and the box too! I love that the pots are s/p shakers. What a fun thing to find in your stocking. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. You asked about the box that my aluminum tree is in, but it's not in a box. The photo does kind of look like it is. I have vintage boxes of ornaments, etc. around the bottom of the tree. The long "barn" box in front of the tree is the one that the vintage plastic Santa and reindeer came in. Wishing you a wonderful 2011! laurie
I really think the stove is cool !
Great stocking stuffer !
Wishing you a wonderful New Year !
love, love, love the stove treasure! I have a cast iron 1 that G'ma gave me. I'll have to rednesday it in a vignette in 2011.
Hi Sue,
I love your little stove. It is darling. I wish someone would fill a stocking for me and know what I like.Love the banner, great job.
Happy New Year!
That little stove is adorable! Love your reds!!!
Merry Christmas and a happy and blessed 2011 to you and yours.
Best wishes, Cass
I love your RED REdnesday's
I find so many beautiful red things
Happy New Year
OH MY GOSH! That little stove is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen! Santa was very good to you this year! ;)
I just love "Rednesday" I actually tend to be a blue kind of gal but seeing all this wonderful red and ME inspiration makes me want to go RED LOL. She has been an artist roll model for me for over 20 years. I had just started freelance illustrating and someone saw my work and said hey your stuff reminds me of ME. I had never heard of her before and when I saw her art I became a forever fan.
Anyway I'm so glad I found your site, I've made myself a fan! Happy New Year.
Chris (Artzee Chris)
Artzee Chris' Blog
I just saw your Aspie button, Do you have or know someone with kiddos on the spectrum? Both my boys are Autistic. We are lucky both are high functioning. Oldest is Aspie with some other issues, (Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and BiPolar Disorder) and my youngest is diagnosed mildly Autistic. Makes for what we like to call (Adventures in Autism) LOL
OK I'm really done now!
Chris :)
Hi, again! How do I find your home page?....where is the link so I can join more of these great challenges? LOL....Maria
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