Friday, October 9, 2009


I bought this bag of candy last night because Pre-Teen loves Garfield. The "song" cracks me up!

This was at a local dollar store and I was excited to also find a cherries dish towel - haven't seen them around much this past year. I'll save that for a Rednesday (if I can remember!).

Speaking of dollar items . . . I picked up a few of these little round boxes at A. C. Moore (crafts) for a buck each, and the rub-ons at another dollar store. Some decoupage and, voila!, a quick Fall decoration!

I think I'll segue into a few more Fall decorations! Being a gardener, I couldn't resist buying this cute little bugger last year.
This is a candle holder, hanging from a hook in the living room, but I stuck the pumpkin in there instead.

This swag(?) (I can't remember the name, but know it's not a wreath!) graces the empty space above one doorway.

Enjoy the long Columbus Day weekend! "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue"


Robin Ennis Willson said...

Nice finds...I love that candle holder, and think the pumpkin looks great in it:)

Robin Ennis Willson said...
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Cass @ That Old House said...

Well let me know if you survive the Dollar Store candy. For some reason, I'll buy all sorts of things at dollar stores, but not edible stuff.... which is silly I know.

Love what you did with the little box -- really cute. and I think that little pumpkin looks adorable inside the hanging pumpkin!


Olde Dame Penniwig said...

I love that harvest mix candy. I eat the little punkins first...

I can eat a whole bag! Hey, it's corn and punkins, right? EAT YER VEGETABLES they say!

The hanging pumpkin with the pumpkin inside is really pretty.