I have a shelf above my computer that I painted white with red trim. Some of my "collectibles" are stored there ~

Mister picked up a computer desk some months ago and this little glass jar w/lid was in one of the drawers - so cute! It's just shy of 2" tall.

What? Do you think I wouldn't buy a Jessie Pez? LOL! The mushroom guy is a Steinbach; and the ceramic cottage is a measuring spoon holder sans spoons.

The oriental cat teapot wears my name bracelet that Jade and I made last year. The old red rabbit was purchased for 25 cents at a yard sale on Saturday. I've never seen a red rabbit, and . . . if you look close, there are yellow cherries painted on its' chest!! You know he was just waiting for me to buy him!

Your blog always makes me smile:-) Love the red rabbit!
I love it all!
Lovely photos :)
Congratulations to Katherine!
I love the cat teapot, Sue. I would have alway grabbed that cute little red rabbit if I saw it at a yard sale :)
Here I was on a late Tuesday afternoon, feeling the absolute worst case of blogger's slump you can ever imagine, when suddenly! I thought about Rednesday, and the picture I framed in the last week - and voila I had my blogger on and was feeling good! Thanks for hostessing!
Love all your reds. Thanks again for hosting.
Hi Sue,
Love your reds as usual, but I am really loving your sidebar with the little girl and boy and red and blue flower vine.
Congratulations to Katherine! I hope she has a joyous day.
Always love your reds. A new blogger here I think I linked to my whole blog instead of just the post I intended! Sorry!
Oh my, my granddaughter LOVED American Girl for so long! (Still does, but definitely growing up). I had no clue it was such an old company. What a fun picture. I'll have to share it with my grandchild. Thanks for another fun Rednesday. :)
I love the red colour of the shelf. Such pretty and interesting things you have on it as well. The ceramic cottage is so cute!
Oh No ... I got an error message trying to Linky up, so I had to start over.
I didn't mean to bring 2 Marching Salads ... now I know how that happens to other folks.
Thanks Sue ... your displays and decor are always so inspiring.
So sorry about the double lips blogger was giving me a hard time and said couldn't post from my web then all of a sudden two lips ?
Love Rednesday it's always so fun
It's my first time participating, Yeahhh! Love your red shelf and fun collectibles. You have such a happy blog here (must be the red). Thanks for hosting Rednesday, I'll see you again!
Hi, Sue! Thanks for inspiring me to finish painting my red shelf. Of course that doesn't mean that I will actually DO IT but I am inspired! :)
I'm wanting to link up for Wednesday with my dotty day post but I'm afraid if I go back in an add the link to my post that i'll lose my linky link... I'll experiement!
Yup! I lost my linky! Boo-hoo! I guess you can't go back into your post and do anything to it or you lose it! Live and learn! ♥
Beautiful red posts! Love your cat teapot!
Love that tray with the cottage, the little bunny, and everything else on your shelf! I don't know how you do it, but you always have cute REDS, every week!
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