I had purchased this sweet little flower press for Pre-Teen a few years ago and she never used it. I believe I had ordered it from Hearth Song.

The picture on it is from a wee little book called The Story of The Root Children by Sibylle von Olfers, originally published in German in 1906, reprinted in 2003.

I decided to use the flower press myself. I had also bought this Wildflower album at a thrift store, so decided to try my hand at pressing.

You need to keep the flowers in the press for about three weeks, until they're dry, tightening the screws every few days. If you don't have a flower press, you can just put the petals in the pages of a book with heavy books on top of it.
Here are the finished results!

And, here's the press with another load of petals waiting for the book!
Howdy Sue
Wow this looks like so much fun.
I love the book.
You are so creative .
Thank you for sharing this today.
I have never tried to press flowers but have always wanted to give it a try.
Have a great week.
Happy Trails
Those came out great!
I do some pressing in old phone books. If you pick one up accidentally, a shower of petals and leaves comes out like confetti!
I was given a flower press a couple years ago, and I've never used it. I keep looking at my pansies, and thinking that they would be so sweet to press, but I never do it. Thanks for reminding me about my press. I bet I still won't press those pansies!
They are so pretty, I love pressed flowers. Takes a lot of patience, I'm sure I'd be opening them to soon!
The press is so cute with that precious picture on it, and I love the way you've put them on the pretty pages. They look lovely. After you press them, do you glue them to the pages? I'm kind of slow and might need a little more toutoring on this subject! laurie
Hi Sue!
How sweet is this? I love the flower press. I have always used the dictionary. Gotta check into this. Great post. Country Hugs, Sherry
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